Our In-House Native Poet - (ELEWI), Charitable Giving & the Ajodun 2016 Dance Off!
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First, A word from our in - house 'Native Poet Laurette' - Mr Ayodele Babatunde - who spoke eloquently to the members of the association
about Unity, Forgiveness, the edification of each other and cooperation
amongst our people at the 2016 Ajodun celebration in Birmingham.
See and listen for yourself below...
Yodaai's charitable giving was center stage at the 2016 Ajodun -
This is part of our mission to contribute
to the betterment of our community and society at large.
Local charities around the Tri-city areas of Montgomery, Auburn and Birmingham were chosen to be beneficiaries
and their epresentatives attended.
For the Birmingham area...

For the Montgomery Area, Yodaai's gift went to Adulam House as usual,
caring for children of incarcerated parents.
One of our Montgomery members accepted on their behalf...

And the gentleman from the Birmingham area Charity in a yellow top below.

Awards were given out to
deserving members and officers of the association, below...

Then came the dance off below
whole families, Husbands and wife, children and parents too
all took to the dance floor...O le ku, ija Ore!

The children were not to be outdone or left out...

The Chairman of the board and Madam Social Secretary...

Other red carpet appearances...

Our VP and family below...

Emi a se pupo e o.
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