Our In-House Native Poet - (ELEWI), Charitable Giving & the Ajodun 2016 Dance Off!
Welcome to our newly designed and combined Blog & website. Everyone is encouraged to join the conversation - leave a comment on the blog!...
Ajodun 2016 Photos, A new start for 2017... The Auburnites pull out all the stops!
Happy Belated New Year to all ! And a very belated posting of the Ajodun Photos, Red Carpet and all! First a big thank you to the...
It's that time of year again...
Ajodun 2016 is fast approaching and with it this year is the Annual Fund Raiser Did you get your Invitation? $5 Door raffles with great...
The 2016 Yodaai Olympics / Picnic Part 3
Naming the Winners & Naming the Judges: A Yoruba Naming Ceremony - Sort of... Behold the Montgomery winners of the 100m dash. The 2nd...
The Annual Yodaai Olympics: Part 2
In which the men wrestled down the Short Puts and the ladies caught the train...(long Story!) And so the events carried on and so did the...
The 2016 Annual Yodaai Intercity Olympics
Irohin O to A f'oju Ba, Eni Ba De Be Lo Le So! By which I mean you had to have been there to get the full picture of how it all went...
Another Meeting, Another Election of Officers & the Second Annual AfroDisco 70's Fundraising
The August Meeting of Yodaai took place in Birmingham a week earlier than usual. Missed the meeting? No worries! Here are the...
The Rendez-Vous in Montgomery wasn't just a meeting but a moment for all YODAAI families to praise God for His mercies over us. We are...
Ona ope wa po. We will always be grateful to God almighty for bringing us together for great meetings. Our appreciation goes to our host...
This is to wish all our Yodaai members who celebrate Easter a wonderful Easter day celebration May thy Lord continue to shower His...